Adam Kantor Productions - Production & Media Assistant

I began working as a Production and Media Intern for Adam Kantor in May 2020. I assisted with the creative development and the production process of bringing fundraisers onto virtual platforms while incorporating performance and storytelling elements into them. A few of these productions included Sharsheret Fundraisers, and the Jewish Queer Youth pride brunch.

I continued to work for Adam Kantor as a Production Assistant for an academic year, where I mainly served as an editor for the productions we collaborated on. I specifically assisted in the editing department on a twelve month episode series for OneTable Shabbat, which provided programming for millennials who didn’t yet have a Shabbat routine that encouraged them to pause and reflect weekly. However, I additionally assisted with script development, talent research, and creative development for these productions as well. Some samples of my work can be found below.


Form & Function Marketing - Role: Marketing Consultant & Account Executive


NUDM - Role: Marketing and Media Committee